Inclusive Onboarding for Newcomer Employees: A Resource for Employers
This onboarding resource is meant to assist employers and managers in effectively integrating newcomer employees into their teams. From establishing clear expectations and providing necessary support to fostering a positive work environment that creates a welcoming experience. Empower your newcomer employees to thrive and succeed! Download the guide.

Employer Playbook: Strategies for Immigrant Inclusion in Canadian Workplaces
This Playbook provides easy-to-implement practical strategies and tips to bolster immigrant inclusion at each stage of the employment cycle: recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and integrating immigrants into the workplace. Download the Playbook.

Scaling Inclusive Workplaces
Developed in collaboration with the Toronto Region Immigrants Employment Council (TRIEC), here are two resources to support your diversity and inclusion journey; refine approaches and practices, and advance and benchmark success in building an inclusive organization.
1. Inclusive Workplace Competencies
2. Inclusion Measurement Blueprint

Onboarding Refugees: A Toolkit for Employers
This Toolkit provides employers with clear information, tips, guidelines and best practices for implementing successful recruitment, onboarding and retention practices for a diverse and inclusive workplace that includes refugees. Find out more >>

Employer’s Guide to Integrating Immigrants into the Workplace
The Employer’s guide is a quick reference resource that provides information about and insight into the most common challenges faced by employers when hiring and retaining skilled immigrants into the workplace. Download the guide >>

Employers in Action
This resource helps employers to enhance their efforts in hiring and integrating skilled immigrants. It highlights identified barriers that employers face and recommends strategies that they can adapt or adopt. An implementation template helps employers measure the outcomes of these activities. It builds on an earlier document, the Working Groups Action plan. Download the Employer in Action document >>